Wednesday, September 26, 2012

She's here!

Finally my little itty bitty, Ms. Joy has arrived!  She has been nothing but an amazing addition to my family as well as a fulfillment to her name sake, pure Joy!
Beautiful in every way she has made everyone a lot happier!  My toddler has bloomed into a wonderful Big Sister (Momma #2, as I see it).
So now our lives need a little adjusting like preparing everything 2 hours ahead of time to maybe even get to where we need to be ten minutes late.
But taking everything moment by moment and cherishing each situation crazy, stressful, joyful or just exhausting is key.
As everything slowly gets situated and I get into the groove of things, my launching of this Blog and its offers will be available to the world. I'm praying that this does exceedingly well!
Be back soon!

Friday, September 7, 2012

I've been on Hiatus

Sorry everyone! I haven't been around lately, as I have been awaiting and STILL AM  for the arrival of my itty bitty(4 days Over Done).
So while waiting I have totally been on a nesting and resting regimen especially with a very active toddler on my hands too.
I hope to launch this blog as soon as everything settles down.  But for now I can explain to you what I intend on this site becoming and being.
Hope you Read on!