Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Get your GROUP-ON!

A place to find deals and significant SAVINGS!
I vouch for GROUPON!

The latest deals at your fingertips that are based on your location and the wonderful things you enjoy!
They range from hair care tools, dinners for 2, watches, handbags and massages at a very agreeable discount!

What is so great about this site, you can get multiple "Groupon" coupons. So you can get one for yourself, and gift one if you like.
It's always a great place to visit when you're home or in another city and want to experience a night on the town but don't want to empty your pockets.

Oh the things you will come upon
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Holiday gifts at up to 90% off!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Homemaker Dreams

Hey everyone!
This Christmas season has rapidly approached!!!
I can't believe it!
When younger I always thought of how I would like to do certain things when I "grew up."
Becoming a wife and a mom are some of the best jobs I could have been "hired" into, and I will never resign from them!
So, when I became part of these clubs I always imagined this season to be full of special details that I would incorporate into our family, and will become a tradition.
Putting up our tree and singing carols, then watching a Christmas movie, while drinking hot chocolate and eating some popcorn by the beautifully lit tree is on "my tradition" list.
Of course this is possible! But in this household it never really turns out that way.
We roll out of bed, notice that there's no room for a tree. So cleaning and "hiding things until the New Year or until we get our act together" begins.  Then there's lunch, and we have to incorporate playtime, and making sure the kiddies don't touch any ornaments yet until the tree is up.  Also, as a wanderer my mind then picks up the idea that we should clean up everything at ONCE!  So as the hubs is making room for a tree, I enter the bathroom and strip the curtains, remove all bottles of shampoos, conditioners and lotions. Then I start scrubbing away.
By the time I'm done with the shower walls and tub, I'm gasping for air from all the fumes I just sprayed the bathroom with.
Tree is Up!
Lights are on!!
Cue the MUSIC!
Little D and Baby Joy get ready...They fell asleep...
Ok, so I got dinner ready, finally trimmed the tree, hubs is watching a game, while we played a board game.

Not Exactly how I imagined it...
But Little D enjoyed every bit of placing the ornaments on the tree(even if she did place them all in one section).
Baby Joy gleefully watching us, and the hubs trying to explain to Little D not to move everyone else' game piece, was right out perfect.
Not how I imagined it like in the Christmas movies, but it was perfect for us!

Let's not get so overwhelmed by the minor things that don't turn out how we expect them to. But be grateful for what you have and who you have!
Merry Christmas!

The Lone Buyer!

Ok, I must admit...
I am one of THEM!  I can't help it but it's just so appealing to me in each and every way.
In my Pj's or not, home alone or even on my phone I can't seem to remove myself from this luxury.
I'd rather be to myself, not worry about waiting forever behind someone who doesn't have their things in order.
I Love to just take my sweet old time Pa-rousing through the cyber aisles of "goodies."
Not having to take escalators, trains or look for parking in the fierce world of a Shopping Mall is just the cherry on top!

I know there are many of you out there that are just like me! So, I don't feel too bad. It's just a convenience that is one of the best things the internet has to offer. Yes I do understand it does remove us from being social with one another, and sometimes you may get better deals going to the stores.  But who can go shopping on Black Friday and not have to worry about getting mauled by a mob?...(This girl right Here!!)
Yes there are some cons, which funny enough I was just talking to a friend about.

Discrepancies are just awful! Double click at the wrong moment, and you're getting charged double and getting double the Stuff.  So if you're not in love with the things you ordered the first time, or not a cartoon who always seems to be wearing the exact same thing everyday, you won't be happy.
We can't keep the items there so we either have to ship them back, or worse...Go Return them to the Store yourself! Totally defeats the purpose of shopping in pj's!!!

But one thing my friend and I come to realize is that AMAZON is pretty AMAZING!
From clothes to a garden hose, chocolate to kitty litter etc. It's all there!
I give them a thumbs up! I have many friends that can agree to that too!

Check it out! A One Stop SHOP for Hanukkah, Christmas, Birthdays and for things you may need.  They offer deals that are practically STEALS!